
Stay grounded in
your senses.

A thoughtfully curated collection of sensory grounding tools designed to help regain power and embodiment, no matter where you are.

Our why

31% of US adults are affected by anxiety disorders at some point in their lifetime. 2 in 3 go untreated. This gap underscores the importance of reducing stigma, and improving access to resources. Holistic practices, such as sensory grounding, can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Data according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Our approach

sensory grounding (verb);

Sensory grounding utilizes the physiological potential of our sensory perception to foster equilibrium, self-regulation, and conscious presence in our neuro-cognitive and physical systems. Through the activation of sight, touch, auditory, and olfactory pathways, our tools stimulate multi-sensory experiences, shifting cognitive focus from potentially distressing thoughts to the immediacy of the sensory world. In situations of environmental stressors, such as flight anxiety, our kit aids in sensory immersion, allowing for cognitive and physiological grounding that can promote self-composure and serve as an internal sanctuary.

The science behind sensory grounding involves several psychological theories:

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Theory: The grounding technique involves cognitive restructuring or relearning by redirecting the mind from distressing thoughts and focusing it on the positive sensory experience.

  2. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): Sensory grounding encourages mindfulness, a key component of MBSR. Mindfulness involves focusing attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment.

  3. Polyvagal Theory: Sensory grounding can also be understood through Polyvagal Theory, which links the physiological state of the nervous system to stress and social behavior. Grounding techniques can stimulate the ventral vagal complex, which helps control the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting a feeling of calm and safety.

sand texture

Tools born from experience. Curated with intention.

Conceptualized by a credentialed Behavior Therapist, our sensory tools are the result of firsthand experience combatting the impacts of psychological strain. The methodology is enriched by years of in-depth study and practice addressing the unique sensory requirements of diverse groups, such as children, the elderly, students, and employees in high-pressure tech startup environments. These tools have been tailored for versatility across multiple contexts, including high-stress work environments and various modes of transportation such as airplanes and vehicles.

Sophisticated and discreet design for all occasions.

  • Work

    Boost your workday productivity and ease stress with Cerebral Studio, your steward of calm amidst the office hustle.

  • Travel

    Transform your travel experience from anxious to serene with our product, your personal calming companion for those hectic journeys.

  • Home

    Experience tranquility in your living space, designed to usher in calmness and help you unwind after a long day.

  • Play

    Amplify your playtime joy and relaxation with our product, a perfect tool to create a soothing, fun-filled environment

textures, texture, landscape, iceland landscape,macro photography, macro, iceland, nature, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, rocks,

Materials designed to emulate the power of nature.

Shop the kit

hand-curated sensory grounding kit designed to be your ride-or-die — whether you are out with friends, on your sixth meeting of the day, in the air, or cozied up in be. Bundled in a discreet travel case, so cerebral can be your travel buddy. you got this, but just in case, we got you!